Casa Share Schimba Vieti!
Aici puteti face donatii!

Donate to a specific cause of your choice

Support Lee, Vicky, James and Steve at the IRONRUN 2016 event

You can be like Bogdan too. Together we are changing lives! £GBP SUPPORT US VIA PAYPAL
€624 Donated

Children’s day – 1st June 2016

We have successfully build 10 houses from ground up for families whose houses got burned down. Beside houses we are helping the elderly and children to have food, health, education and a better future. There are 45 children we are helping at CASA SHARE. We want to put a smile on their faces on the […]
€2713 Donated
67.83% Funded

Support Lee, Vicky, James and Steve at the IRONRUN 2016 event

You can be like Bogdan too. Together we are changing lives! £GBP SUPPORT US VIA PAYPAL
€28383 Donated
946.1% Funded

CASA SHARE eşti tu!

Cum poţi ajuta? Completează formularul 230 (2%) acum. Îl poţi ridica printat & returna la standsau Cumpără o brăţară de la stand sau dă SHARE mai departe Şi tu poţi fi Bogdan. Împreună schimbăm vieţi! €EUR DONEAZĂ PAYPAL
€100 Donated
100% Funded
Casa Share Schimba Vieti!
Aici puteti face donatii!